Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang Menuju 100 % Prodi Terakreditasi Unggul


Management of Health Information, Nutrition, Health Promotion Nation Competitions (MENTIONS) is a national competition organized by the Jember State Polytechnic for students from all over Indonesia. This competition focuses on medical records, nutrition, and health promotion study programs.

A national competition for students of the Study Program/Department of Health Information Management/Medical Records, namely the Medical Record Indonesian Competition (MR. INCOM) which consists of 3 competitions, namely Diagnostic Coding, Interface Design and English Speech to prepare prospective medical recorders who are ready to compete in the health profession. Medical Record Indonesian Competition (MR. INCOM) 2024 with the theme “Forming a Competitive Spirit in Medical Records Students to Be More Pro-Active, Critical and Sensitive in Overcoming National Health Problems”.

In this activity, the Department of Medical Records and Health Information of the Ministry of Health Semarang also sent students to participate in Diagnosis Coding and English Speech categories. By participating in these activities, students can hone their skills in managing, analyzing, and utilizing health data to improve health services, improve both soft and hard skills, develop critical and proactive attitudes, and expand professional networks.

Rizkiyatul Amalia as a companion in the activity said that the Department of Medical Records and Health Information was quite accomplished by winning the competition in the:

  1. 2nd place in The English Speech Category
    Nul Alfiani, Medical Records and Health Information Study Program, Diploma Three Program.The theme of the competition was “Wise Mother: Educating the Nation’s Children by Consistently Implementing a Healthy Lifestyle Since They Are Teenagers.”
  1. 3rd place in The Diagnostic Coding Categor Camelia Fitri Noviolasea, Medical Records and Health Information Study Program, Diploma Three Program.

The academic community appreciates the achievements of the students who have participated in the competition. Rizkiyatul Amalia as an accompanying lecturer also expressed her gratitude for the participation of the students. Make every competition an opportunity to develop yourself, improve your skills, and expand your network. Stay motivated, think creatively, and give your best in every challenge. Every step is a valuable lesson. Always succeed and keep achieving!”

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